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From Drowning to Thriving: How I Get Things Done With 3 Businesses and 3 kids #84

Hey momboss, juggling motherhood and your own business empire?

You're not alone! Most of us face the daily struggle of achieving maximum impact while feeling like we're spinning plates on a unicycle.

I get it. I've been there, drowning in endless to-do lists and late-night anxiety attacks fuelled by the "not enoughs."

Three kids, multiple businesses – my first three years were a productivity black hole.

But guess what?

I clawed my way out, and now, thriving businesses and bedtime satisfaction are my reality.

And guess what else? My secret weapon isn't some fancy app or a productivity guru's 12-step system. It's simple, sustainable, and built around the beautiful chaos that is mompreneurship.


Ditch the To-Do Tsunami

Forget those overwhelming to-do lists. They're mom-guilt magnets with a side of overwhelm. Instead, let's embrace the power of 3. Yes, just 3. Three high-priority tasks, your non-negotiables for the day.

These are the needle-movers, the business boosters, the things that matter most.

Remember, completing 3 impactful tasks beats feeling defeated by 10 unfinished ones. Plus, conquering those 3 builds momentum, propelling you through the day like a productivity rocket.

Track Like a Mom Boss

I'm all about simplicity. So no fancy software needed. Grab your iPhone's Notes app. I'm sure if you're on android, there's a similar built-in app too for you to jot down quick thoughts. It's familiar, and perfect for our quick-pivoting, ever-changing mompreneur lives.

Jot down your 3 top must-do priorities, and when one bites the dust, delete it and move on to the next must-do. Easy-peasy.

Tame the Task Tsunami

But wait, new tasks are popping up like popcorn! Before they flood your Notes app, ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Delegate or DIY? Can someone else handle this? If so, delegate, mama! Free up your precious time for the things only you can do.
  2. Needle Mover or Noisemaker? Does this task actually fuel your business growth? Or is it just adding noise to your already bustling day? Be ruthless, mama. Prioritise impact.
  3. Now or Later? Urgent matters deserve immediate attention. But for everything else, assess its importance and urgency. Schedule it into your Notes app later if it doesn't need your immediate attention. Remember, the more impactful a task, the sooner it deserves your focus.

From Chaos to Calm

These 3 simple keys – 3 priorities, 1 app, and 3 questions – transformed my productivity. From overwhelmed mompreneur to calm, confident boss lady, I ditched the guilt and embraced the power of doing less, but better.

Join Momentum

Want to dive deeper into the mompreneurship journey? Join our Momentum community – a supportive space filled with actionable tactics and like-minded mamas just like you. Grab your one-week trial and let's conquer this chaos together!

Remember, mama, you've got this. Embrace the 3, prioritize impact, and watch your productivity soar. You're a mompreneur, after all – chaos is your middle name, and conquering it is your superpower.

Now go forth and slay, momboss!

Hi, I'm Michelle Hon, the founder of MomBoss Academy. 

I've discovered that building a $1,000,000 business is possible without taking investments and hustling all day long. I'm living proof that it can be done, and I want to help more moms achieve that for themselves and their families.

For my latest content, please fill in the form below.❤️

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