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What You Can Learn About Business From Doctors #104

Is Your Doctor Using a Secret Sales Tactic? (Here's How to Use It Too)

Let's face it, we all trust our doctors. They're the experts, right? But what if there's more to that annual check-up than meets the eye?

Have you ever wondered why you're...

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How You’re Wasting Your Money On Ads #97

Stop Wasting Money! 3 Social Media Ad Mistakes Sabotaging Your Sales (and How to Fix Them)

Have you ever felt like your social media ads are a bottomless pit for your marketing budget? You pour money in, but precious few sales come out. You...

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How To Decide on a Marketing Strategy #89

Mastering Your Marketing Strategy: 3 Key Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask

For Mompreneurs and online entrepreneurs, navigating the myriad of marketing channels can be overwhelming. Choosing the right strategy is crucial for business...

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Unlock the Secret to Boosting Your Business Profits with Marketing Math #75

MomBoss Academy
Unlock the Secret to Boosting Your Business Profits with Marketing Math #75

Are you tired of pouring your hard-earned money into online ads and seeing little to no return on investment?

Do you want to take your online business to the next level and skyrocket your sales? 

As an online business owner and marketer,...

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Boost Sales With a Live Webinar Launch

I launched my very first online program, #MomBossGoal via a live webinar. In fact, we ran the launch even before the program was fully ready.

We acquired 1500 leads and made more than $21,000 in revenue from that very first launch.

Since then,...

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Targeting Business Owners? 9 Effective Strategies To Reach Them Using Facebook Ads

After working with many businesses to refine their digital marketing and advertising strategies, I noticed that one of the biggest struggles and the deciding factor of the success of their Facebook advertising strategies is finding who to target.

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Effective Copywriting and Content Writing For Small Business Owners

I asked 173 online business owners what is holding them back from growing their business.

73% responded: “I can't grow because I'm not on social media."

Me: "Why not?"

Stagnant entrepreneurs: "I don't know what to say/write."

In a way, they...

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4 Must-Have Elements of High Converting, Low Cost Facebook Ads

There's a limit to how many people you can reach with organic posts.

If you’re serious about reaching your target audience and extending your business online, then great content and blog posts are not enough – you need to buy ads.


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Are You an Influencer or Are You a Thought Leader?

There's a huge difference between the two and only one would make you a step above your competitions in your industry.

So, how do you become a Thought Leader?

In this episode, I'll be breaking down the four-step formula to becoming a Thought...

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The Fastest Way to Make a Sale that No One Talks About

When it comes to online sales and marketing, people often think of social media, content creation, and building an audience.

While yes, you should be doing all of that, building an audience takes time.

And it can be very...

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