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Why You Should Be Building A Community With Niney Chong

No matter how well you plan to set your dreams in motion, life happens. 

Finances. Relationships. Health.

At some point, we will all face these challenges, and letting them blindside you into a stagnant denial is one of the worse things you...

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How To Manifest Anything with Maii Vu

I used to be a skeptic.

Manifesting or rather sitting around thinking about the things you want and it will come true? Are you kidding me?

Perhaps you are thinking the same? Or maybe you are more advanced than old-Michelle, or more...

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My Journey to a 6-Figure Lifestyle Business

This episode is a little bit different. I have switched roles with Esther Yap and I am in the interviewee seat instead. Esther is a #MomBossGoal Mentorship Program student and host of the The Parent Thing podcast, and she is asking me about my...

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April 2021 Michelle Hon International Income Report

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Changing Career to Pursue a Passion in Nutrition with Riyana Rupani

Do you know what is your calling?

There is a chance you have already found it; you just have not realised it.

Or perhaps, it may find you in unexpected circumstances.

For Riyana Rupani, her wakeup call were infertility, digestive, and autoimmune...

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How to Make an Income as a Mom Influencer


If you follow Singaporean moms on Instagram, then you probably have a good idea of what it takes to be a mom influencer. These self-made working mothers built their brands through social media and...

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How to Generate Product Ideas that Sell

In this episode, I'm sharing a snippet from our #MomBossGoal group coaching call.

#MomBossGoal is our online training program for aspiring mompreneurs to help them get an idea from inside their head and launch it into the world. So, you...

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3 Simple Steps to Starting a Business in Singapore: Singaporean, Singapore Permanent Resident & Foreigner’s Guide

Do you know that Singapore has been ranked the second best and fourth best on the Doing Business Report 2020 by the World Bank for the ease of doing business and starting a business, respectively?

According to the Doing Business report, Singapore...

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March 2021 Michelle Hon International Income Report

Welcome to our March 2021 Monthly Income Report!

I am happy to share what I have been up to, and how the businesses have been progressing. As always, I share all of the ins and outs of my business so that you can get motivated, and learn from...

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How to Sell Without Selling

Selling. One of the most dreaded things in the world. Most people do not like selling or being sold to. And one of the reasons people may hate selling or avoid selling is because they think selling is a pushy, desperate process designed to woo...

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